Or regularly undertake activities such as heavy gardening, heavy DIY work. Very active - You exercise almost every day of the week doing high intensity training such as running, spinning, team or competitive sports. Daily dog walking (brisk pace, twice a day). going to the gym / swimming / cycling / horse riding / dance classes / playing golf. According to consumers, the white chocolate mocha sauce in the drink appears more like a sweetener, so coffee can’t be instantly tasted. Moderately active - Do light to moderate intensity exercise 3-4 times a week. White Mocha Iced Coffee Starbucks White Mocha Iced Coffee Known for its distinctive strong caramel taste, most people would mistake this for another Starbucks product which is White Caramel Mocha. Spend majority of leisure time doing activities such as watching TV, playing computer games, on the internet, reading, cooking, driving, general household chores.

Inactive - Do very little exercise, going for the occasional walk (moderate pace, low intensity). Iced Peach Green Tea: Green tea is layered together with flavors of spearmint, lemon verbena and lemongrass for a taste that’s really peachy keen. Flavors include Passion Tango Tea, Black Tea and Green Tea. Typical jobs: hospital/ward nurse, waitressing in a busy restaurant, cleaner, porter, labourer/construction worker, gardener, farm worker. Iced Tea Beverages: A blend of tea lightly sweetened and shaken with ice. Heavy - Active for much of the day, walking non-stop and carrying objects. Typical jobs: shop assistant, teacher, chef/cook, bar worker, engineer. Moderate - On your feet for much of the day, either standing or occasional slow paced walking. to look out for our other Grande Chilled Classics coffee to go: Caramel Macchiato. Typical jobs: office worker, sales rep, bus/taxi/lorry driver. Starbucks Grande Caff Latte iced coffee drink is inspired by a true. Iced Caramel Macchiato ms Muffin Arndano.

Light - Have a job that involves long periods of sitting (office-based / driving) or are home-based and sitting for much of the day. Have your favorite Starbucks coffee menu items delivered from a Starbucks coffee near you.